Our History
The Good Trouble Coalition was established in June, 2022 to organize advocacy efforts by healthcare and public health practitioners. It was born in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the erosion of public health measures and policies passed by the Indiana General Assembly led to a prolongation of the public health crisis in Indiana. The group started with a google form and occasional emails about advocacy efforts for gun safety, reproductive rights, and public health measures and has grown very quickly to over 800 stakeholders interested in public health and social justice (no longer just healthcare and public health practitioners) in Indiana gathering on zoom calls to learn about advocacy and what they can do to help make things better in Indiana.

The Good Trouble Coalition is a grassroots group of Hoosier healthcare and public health stakeholders who collaborate to educate, empower, and facilitate political advocacy to improve life in Indiana in the areas of patient-centered care, public health, and health equity.
To help Indiana to become one of the healthiest states in the nation by helping to elect science-minded leaders and enact state policies to improve the health and safety of all Hoosiers.